Front-Line Workers of Primary Concern – Tim Block

The Primary Cohort participated in a ‘FLEx’ (Formational Learning Experience) in January. FLEx learning projects ‘are opportunities for the learner to engage in “real work that meets a real need for real people”—opportunities to practice living the kingdom story. (Teaching for Transformation)

Word reached our ears that Front-Line workers could use some encouragement. The pressures they are under because of the Covid pandemic has made their work extra challenging. The primary staff agreed that students would be interested in helping. They were right.

To spread the word, Mrs. Rolleman lead the primary cohort in an assembly that introduced the idea of encouraging Terrace’s front-line workers.  The kindergarten, grade 1 & 2, and grade 2 & 3 classes embraced the challenge.

Each class approached their projects differently. The kindergarten class created colourful posters that included a message of thanks and student art.








The grade 1 and 2 class made a stellar thank you banner with individually painted hearts.



The grade 2 and 3 class created a fantastic flag banner with all students involved in creating art and messages of thanks.








These art projects made it to the Mills Memorial Hospital where they were placed in the hospital staffroom.



(Thank you Carin Henschel for the ‘on-location’ pictures.)

Students tried their hardest in creating these messages of support and were motivated by the amazing efforts of the front-line workers.


‘I felt generous because they are really hard-working people.’  – Emily


‘I feel kind of happy that they have been working for us during Covid even though they don’t even know us.’  – Titus


‘It was cool because it probably made the Frontline workers very happy!’  – Josephine and Grace


The positive energy and effort that was evident in each of the primary classrooms during this project was a strong reminder of the importance of linking student work to real needs and real people.


In Christ,

Tim Block


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