What Do You Do Again?

Three years ago, Centennial Christian School made the decision to create a Development Coordinator position. The decision was based on a growing acknowledgement that it was important to tap into who we are as a school and to communicate this effectively to our outside community. Doing so required a certain amount of time, passion, and skill set that was needed in our rapidly changing world and community. The position would allow Centennial Christian School to dive into new (and tidy up old) approaches to connect and communicate.

I was hired to work in this position, and as a natural 0ver-reflector and over-sharer on life and work, I’ve come here to write and reflect on CCS through the eyes of Development. (It is convenient that this is a one-sided conversation.) My position is one that is often misunderstood and can be so “behind the scenes” that my job description becomes blurry – to myself and others. There are many times that colleagues or community members have come to my office door with a hesitant look on their face, explaining their idea, and following it with – “Is this what you do?”. I have to laugh, as I would likely share their confusion if I was on the other side of the door. In all honesty, I probably did have the same amount of questions as them when I began in this position 3 years ago. These days, the mission and vision for this position has become more clear and I find myself getting into a rhythm as Development Coordinator. Now if I’m asked what it is that I do, I hear myself using (let’s be honest – probably overusing) the word “connecting”. In short: My work allows me to dive deep into the heart of Centennial Christian School, find the story God is writing through us, and purposefully connect it with community; CCS, alumni, Terrace, churches, prospective families, social media, media, and more. A lot more.

There have been times when I’ve wondered how and why I’ve been entrusted with this position. It’s no secret to my friends and family that I can be incredibly socially awkward and one who sometimes feels drained by social events. I’m the queen of, “Hi, how are you?” “Good, how are you?” “Great. And you?” situations and my mind is in a perma-state of face palms for my own awkwardness. Knowing this, it does make one question why CCS has chosen someone like me to be one of the first people you meet when you walk in our doors or the person who plans social events.

Reflecting on this, it always becomes clear to me that God works through us IN SPITE of our failures. Even though my imperfections are so clear to me, Centennial Christian School remains in the spotlight and God’s story shines through. I was recently teaching a Sunday School class on the story of Moses and the burning bush. God gives Moses a task, a clear task. He also gives him tools to accomplish this task and assurance that He will be there for him. Despite this, Moses is still incredibly insecure, terrified, and resistant. #relatable I have to remind myself regularly that even though I may not be perfect, that God is and He can use even me for His good. And thankfully, I don’t have to do this alone. As he has demonstrated many times before in the history of Centennial Christian School and in my own personal life, “we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.” (Romans 8:28) Two words that stand out to me are LOVE and PURPOSE. I love Centennial Christian School. From the bottom of my heart. I love it for the people I have met, for the purpose it has given me, for the growth it has encouraged in me and the laughter I experience here every day. Through seeing Christ at CCS, I have a foundation of purpose that holds me steady and guides me in my work. As Curt Tuininga often reminded me through his life and words, once you know about the grace God demonstrates to us – truly know – you can’t help but shout it from the rooftops.

So, why am I serving as Development Coordinator at CCS? Because I love CCS and the mission and vision (purpose) it stands for. Because of that, I can’t help but shout it from the rooftops and tell others about what God is doing through our school. I suppose that is really what this job is all about.

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